Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cebu's Finest Delicacies

You surely can’t go straight to your hometown from a trip in Cebu without buying any goodies or pasalubong. I’ve got here a quick list of Cebu delicacies and best-buys from theQueen City of the South.

Otap. This sugar-sprinkled biscuit is something light and not to sweet that you can consume a couple of pieces to satisfy your hunger. If you want a good buy, try Shamrock’s otap.
dried mangoes
Dried Mango. The world famous delicacy from Cebu has been imitated by other countries but I think dried Philippine mango is still the sweetest. It has been exported abroad and is still continuing to gain popularity in foreign markets.

Masareal. This one’s for the sweet tooth. It’s like the other Pinoy delicacy, panutsa, the round flat peanut candy, they just differ in shape. Masareal is made from finely ground peanut in sugar syrup formed in rectangular bars.
Ampao. This delicacy is famous in Carcar City, Cebu and is thelocal version of rice crispies bind by sugar syrup and are formed in thick bars.

Salvaro. Another delicacy that’s so Pinoy in taste is the salvaro. It is made of shredded coconut on top of very thin biscuit.
Rosquillos. These are ring biscuits. Very light yet sweet and fun to eat. Kids would surely enjoy eating this.

Danggit. This should be deep fried to achieve that crispiness. For a more delicious danggit experience, dip it in vinegar with chilli and garlic.

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